Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Cat's, clothes and other stuff

I don't like cats very much - I'm sure yours is perfectly adorable! - they make me itch, sneeze and break out in hives. However I love Nyan cat, it's stupid and makes me laugh like a drain! Try this and see if it makes you smile, she poops rainbows what's not to love?
It's nice when you get pleasure from small things ;)

I have crushes - lots of them, some of them I can even blog about and, should I ever be drunk in charge of a blog, I might actually blog my guilty pleasures of which there are many. Hugh Jackman however, is NOT a guilty pleasure, he's just pleasure through and through and he's on Back on Broadway. Should anyone take pity on me this Xmas and want to pay for me to go to New York, could you throw a few tickets in for his show? Well, if you don't ask you don't get!

I know you had a tiny hoo moment looking at him, don't lie!

Somebody tweeted me this video - I'm sorry I can't remember who now! - and it brought the 80's flooding back. Hip hop, NYC, graffiti, and break dancing things the 80's should be proud of!

Over the next few blogs I shall be doing a retrospective so here's my fav advert of the year - and I LOATHE adverts!
Mwah mwah!


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